Monday, November 28, 2005

My Fav Tech Head in Chicago

I met up on Sunday with my friend Lucas van Grinsven, the European Technology Correspondent at Reuters. He's based in Amsterdam, but has come across the ocean to cover companies like Philips and Siemens at a medical equipment convention in Chicago.

Over Chicago's famous deep-dish pizza, Lucas told me some stories about how he broke some interesting news on copy-protection software Sony BMG put on their CDs. The company ultimately recalled the CDs because the virus-like software, which would hide on your computer system, left open a hole for potential hackers. Crazy stuff and Lucas was one of the journalists who drove this story.

Software writers spot open source in Sony BMG CDs
Sony BMG offers MP3 files and disks for unsafe CDs
Microsoft to remove Sony BMG malware

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to mention this, but Lucas is also working on a book. Judging from his expertise and knowledge of the tech sector, it will surely be a must-read.

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